CIRTN is an association of learning and development professionals in the construction industry. Members include representatives from medium to large general contractors, as well as large specialty contractors.

The goal of the organization is to share ideas and resources to improve the skill and competence of construction industry workers

  • The full name of the organization is 'Construction Industry Resource &  Training Network'. CIRTN is pronounced 'certain'.
  • Membership in CIRTN is open to training leaders or managers in commercial construction companies in the United States.  A limited number of Associate members from the same company may also join with the approval of the Regular member.

  • Members maintain a network to ask questions, and to share ideas, resources and other items of mutual interest.
  • Please note CIRTN does not address topics specific to Human Resources.

The CIRTN organization does not conduct training, nor does it provide information on training programs to the general public. CIRTN exists to provide a peer network for its members.

Members may access the CIRTN bylaws document for additional information.

To inquire about or apply for membership, click on the 'Membership' menu choice above.

For membership or other information contact:
Craig Jory
XL Construction
or cirtn1995@gmail.com 

CIRTN Sponsors*

*CIRTN Sponsors are members and member companies that provide financial support for this website. 

Upcoming events

Recent Discussions

  • Discussions are only available to members.

Job Board Posts

  • To Post a Job Opportunity: https://cirtn.wildapricot.org/Jobs

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